Chief Donald Hayde- FDNY ( Retired)


Chief Hayde was appointed to the FDNY in 1977 and through his career worked on Ladder 16, Ladder 26, Lieutenant on Ladder 147, Ladder 111, Captain on Squad 1 and retired as a Rescue Battalion Chief in 2018. Has been a volunteer firefighter from 1977-present and a Instructor for Nassau Country Fire Service Academy from 1982-present. He has a AAS degree from Nassau Community College with a BA degree from Queens College. Chief served our country as a US Marine 1972-1975

John Burruss- Charlottesville Fire Department ( Retired)


John experience in fire and rescue service spans more than 33 years. I'm a career master firefighter with substantial experience in emergency medical and rescue services. I'm particularly interested in heavy and technical rescue program instructional development, management and course delivery on the local, state and national level.

I've been actively involved in Emergency Services since 1980, combining both career and volunteer experience in both the fire and rescue fields. I wrote the vehicle extrication awareness, operations and technician level classes used by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. I've presented at the Fire Department Instructor’s Conference (FDIC), North Carolina Fire and Rescue Instructor Conference, New Jersey Vehicle Extrication School, Nebraska Vehicle Extrication School, JEMS EMS Today Conference, Maryland’s Parascope EMS Conference, Virginia State EMS Symposium, Andy Frederick’s Training Days and have written articles for Fire Rescue Magazine and Virginia Fire News Magazine.

Mitch Huner- Chicago Fire Department/ Fire Maul Tools, LLC


Mitch began his career in the fire service with Pittsfield Fire in 2004.  He has served in a multitude of department structures including contract positions in Iraq and Curacao as a Firefighter, Crash Rescue D/O, and Company Training Officer. He currently assigned as a Firefighter on Truck 17 on Chicago’s south side. Mitch is the inventor of the Fire Maul and Owner/CEO of Fire Maul Tools